
Madison Underwood


What made you pick this particular course?
I have always wanted to work with children and make a positive impact on their lives.

What have been the highlights so far?
I have loved the fact our placement is in big chunks as I feel it opens doors for us. Also, there鈥檚 lovely educating trips.

Do you undertake any work experience?
Yes I am in a pre-school placement for 3 weeks every half term. I love the placement and the way it is set up because it is very hands-on and shows me just what employment in this field of work will be like.

What do you plan to do when you leave 樱花视频?
To continue in this career.

Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
It may seem hard, but it is very worth it.


T Level Education and Childcare

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I love the placement and the way it is set up because it is very hands-on and shows me just what employment in this field of work will be like.